Docuseries produced by Productions and
France supported by UNESCO

The world’s five major primary forests – the Amazon, the Taiga, the North American boreal forest, the African equatorial forest, and the Indo-Pacific forest – are essential to regulate the climate and protect biodiversity. Today, these forests are being destroyed for major global industries. It is our responsibility, as individuals acting together, to make a difference. To stand with 5 leaders on the frontline of the climate crisis – Benki, Tumursukh, Twyla, Mambongo and Mundiya.
For this reason, we have launched an impact campaign to amplify their message captured by the series Our Forests.
Amplify the Voices of the Forests
Protecting the world’s forests is #OurResponsibility too!
Our Forests gathers five charismatic leaders who are implementing local solutions to protect the forests for everyone. Get to know them and their forests and share their profiles to champion them on social media.

Drive Policy Change
Our Forests shows the power of choosing to protect the forests, and the impact of individual actions. Inspired by the series, the impact campaign is working together with partners globally to reduce imported deforestation and increase corporate responsibility.
In December 2023, the European Union adopted the EU Deforestation Regulation, which obliges companies selling products on the EU market to ensure their supply chains are deforestation-free. It marked a huge step forward in policymakers standing with forest communities. You can read more about the journey to reach this historic deal on the #together4forests campaign page.
The EU has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which requires EU companies to risk-assess and prevent harm to human rights, climate and the environment in their global value chains. The impact campaign advocated to ensure the Directive protects people and the planet before business profits.
The CSDD Directive is key in promoting corporate responsibility and in holding companies accountable for adverse environmental and human rights impacts in their whole value chains.
We want the Directive to make sure that…
- Companies respect the rights of Indigenous peoples.
- Companies put in place deforestation-free transition plans in their business strategies as part of the climate transition plans.
- Affected stakeholders are consulted in due diligence processes and victims of human rights abuses have effective access to justice.
- The financial sector falls under the scope for human rights and environmental due diligence obligations.
- More policy asks here.
How to drive policy change:
Endorse & sign the letter from Indigenous and forest communities and demand EU policymakers to implement an ambitious text on CSDDD. Share the letter with your Members of European Parliament and Member State delegations, so it reaches trilogue negotiations. Share it on social media!
Share the letter and impact trailer on social media to amplify voices of environmental defenders and forest guardians.

As a citizen, stand with forest guardians and:
- Support and donate to local initiatives led by forest guardians.
- Learn more about the ways to take action and influence the Directive on the Justice is Everybody’s Business Campaign page.
- Share assets on social media and encourage everyone to learn from forest guardians.
- Stay up to date with the latest NEWS about the series’ impact campaign.
Help share the powerful messages of the forest guardians by sharing on social media